Monday, October 18, 2010

Early Chritinality architectural

Early Christian architectural were faced with problem of finding an architecture appropriate for the religion, that has not existed before. The earliest meeting places were the catacombs, underground burial galleries beneath the streets and buildings of Rome. Later period, when Constantine authorized the building of a large church in Rome that would house the shrine of St. Peter. The Old St. Peter in Rome were not highly exterior decoratedl however the interior were overlaid with lavish application of precious materials. The evolution takes a long period until churches were known as those gothic cathedral as we known today. The architectural design were also different in regions and culture of the local. The Early Christian and Byzantine styles-along with the Romaniesque, Gothic, and Islamic styles-surfaced between the classical world and Renaissance. Both of those eras are distinguished by beauty achieved through the exercise of logic and the exalting of human accomplishment

Ancient World vs. New World. Compare and Contrast

In the present time, we are proud of the luxurious way of living which were provided by artificial materials and machines. We were impressed with our own history of evolution; thus, people often confused the ancient world as savage which people only rely on strebuild ngth to gain basic daily needs. However, the archeologist have found evidence to prove otherwise. At much earlier period, ancient world already possessed great skill and supreme intelligent; they already learned a way to live a luxurious life.
 According to the book Interior Design & Decoration  by Stanley Abercrombie, the Minoans architectural skill were far more advance then our present world had believed. The Minoans invented the sewer system which keep the city clean from trash and dirty water. The public utility were important; thanks to the sewer sytem, many public restroom and bath were build to serve upper classmen. They build water system to allow water deep in the mountain into the city; thus, public fountain provide water for the whole city.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Picture Tells a thousand words-Design as Conversation

The comic world has been around since the cave men period; at first picture were used to record everyday activities because the dynasty of words does not come until much later period. However, pictorial sequence art had found a better way to fit into the society. For decade, comic has been used in books for education purposes noted primary in early level of education. According to Comic book by Mc Cloud, human mind tend to fond to “universalized” image, in other world we can relate to the image easier as the simpler picture is. The image communicates with our mind and as our mind reply to the image we identify the image with a different identity and meaning, often with our own identity. As children when we read a comic books or watch cartoon, we experienced the thrill of the action and the event in the story because we identify the simplify cartoon character as ourselves; thus the feeling of impersonate an image and imply it as our own become an attraction to all of us. This explain the comic’s thriving industry in the early ‘30s, the era of the Great Depression and World War II; comic superhero character which possessed great power and ultimate strength became popular with not only children but also young adults. People prefer to see a strong image whom they can relate and fantasized about. It is a form of interaction between readers and comic.
Although it is wrong to say that we can only relate to comic because we are being heavily influenced by the commercial industry in everyday basic. However, comic is the simplest form of a image; here, we can analyze the reaction between an image and the receiver easier. Image were designed to communicate with receivers either for recording history or just a simple form of entertaining; our mind interact with what we sees in the end human mind work its wonder and allow us to expand our imagination from a simplest form of picture.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Evolution of Design

I was sitting at the waiting room at the hospital of Stanford University, I noticed the bright open space hall way. The interior design of the hospital mostly depend on natural daylight; thus create an illusion of bigger space area. This does not mean the design lacks of electrical light, but the light have the same soft shade as the natural light; thus to minimum the constracsion and give out a friendly, soft vibe in the hallway interior.
 This remind me of the first construction of hallway by Minoan civilization from Crete. The Minoan’s special room called megaron room which designed to serve rich upper classmen. The room was constructed with surrounded corridors which was the first example of hallway and corridors. In ancient world, our ancestors already know a way to luxurious live. They led a luxurious life where human comfort were put before human basic needs. This idea became a motivation that triggerred the construction of many famous, breathtaking design in history.

Stone Soup

Last session in my Design 1 introduction class, we explored the stone soup tale of a three hungry and tired soldiers who used their wit to earn the villagers’ trust and cooked a feast for everyone. The story leaves behind an important moral that it is important for a college student to know that is by working together, with everyone contributing what they have to achieve a greater good. Professor Housefield used the idea base on this tale to make an assignment which require the corporation of students working together. The student came together share ideas and material to design a creative model which share each student’s imagination idea. These products is a combination of unique ideas; they represent
 My group decided to combine the human-made material and human element; this contradiction relationship between the destroyer and the destroyed subjects creates greatest expression in the model. The alien element of manufacture material such as cardboard, ribbon, paper…were hung on a tree trunk, a natural element. Our idea came in spontaneous form which allowed us to have most creative combination of ideas.
 In my opinion, this is a great exercise which gave the new generation of designers a chance to experience field work with a group. A designer needs to learn how corporate with each other, to combine ideas to polish the final product. We were not only simply sharing ideas but also learning from each others as for new technique, skills, and experience.

The History of Chair

Every object has long, untold history behind it and over time, their true value slowly diminishes. We can discover great history behind a simple object such as a chair. The historical background of chairs can unravel back for thousands of years. For many centuries, chairs were more of a symbol of dignity and power rather than an article of ordinary use. In Egypt, chairs are an iconic symbol of great riches and royal glory; the chair was often carved out from wood with significant and vivid details and were entailed with gold and precious gems. Animal figures and mythical creature were trendy fashion design at that time. Legs of beast or the figure of captives signified the power of the owner; this trend of fashion was most popular with the pharaoh royal family. In China, to portrait the power of the owner the location of the chair in a higher position symbolizes status; thus the chair usually carved with a dragon, a mythical powerful creature which Chinese believed to have descended from heaven. They believed that Kings of each dynasties are powerful dragons that descended from heaven in the form of a human. However, in the west the chair has less value and become a standard item of furniture for anyone who could afford to buy it in an earlier history. Today the chair has lost its true value significantly and has become a very common furniture within every household. The chair’s designs are a lot simpler which cost less to manufacture and also due to the discovery of new material which cost less and allow mass production; thus chairs have lower market value.
 Many objects that we take for granted today were once of great value and held much status in the past as well as moral value. From a simple chair to a grand mansion, the design of each object has a long history of evolution; by looking into the history we can see the different role of each object.