Monday, October 11, 2010

The History of Chair

Every object has long, untold history behind it and over time, their true value slowly diminishes. We can discover great history behind a simple object such as a chair. The historical background of chairs can unravel back for thousands of years. For many centuries, chairs were more of a symbol of dignity and power rather than an article of ordinary use. In Egypt, chairs are an iconic symbol of great riches and royal glory; the chair was often carved out from wood with significant and vivid details and were entailed with gold and precious gems. Animal figures and mythical creature were trendy fashion design at that time. Legs of beast or the figure of captives signified the power of the owner; this trend of fashion was most popular with the pharaoh royal family. In China, to portrait the power of the owner the location of the chair in a higher position symbolizes status; thus the chair usually carved with a dragon, a mythical powerful creature which Chinese believed to have descended from heaven. They believed that Kings of each dynasties are powerful dragons that descended from heaven in the form of a human. However, in the west the chair has less value and become a standard item of furniture for anyone who could afford to buy it in an earlier history. Today the chair has lost its true value significantly and has become a very common furniture within every household. The chair’s designs are a lot simpler which cost less to manufacture and also due to the discovery of new material which cost less and allow mass production; thus chairs have lower market value.
 Many objects that we take for granted today were once of great value and held much status in the past as well as moral value. From a simple chair to a grand mansion, the design of each object has a long history of evolution; by looking into the history we can see the different role of each object.

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