Monday, October 11, 2010

Stone Soup

Last session in my Design 1 introduction class, we explored the stone soup tale of a three hungry and tired soldiers who used their wit to earn the villagers’ trust and cooked a feast for everyone. The story leaves behind an important moral that it is important for a college student to know that is by working together, with everyone contributing what they have to achieve a greater good. Professor Housefield used the idea base on this tale to make an assignment which require the corporation of students working together. The student came together share ideas and material to design a creative model which share each student’s imagination idea. These products is a combination of unique ideas; they represent
 My group decided to combine the human-made material and human element; this contradiction relationship between the destroyer and the destroyed subjects creates greatest expression in the model. The alien element of manufacture material such as cardboard, ribbon, paper…were hung on a tree trunk, a natural element. Our idea came in spontaneous form which allowed us to have most creative combination of ideas.
 In my opinion, this is a great exercise which gave the new generation of designers a chance to experience field work with a group. A designer needs to learn how corporate with each other, to combine ideas to polish the final product. We were not only simply sharing ideas but also learning from each others as for new technique, skills, and experience.

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