Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Picture Tells a thousand words-Design as Conversation

The comic world has been around since the cave men period; at first picture were used to record everyday activities because the dynasty of words does not come until much later period. However, pictorial sequence art had found a better way to fit into the society. For decade, comic has been used in books for education purposes noted primary in early level of education. According to Comic book by Mc Cloud, human mind tend to fond to “universalized” image, in other world we can relate to the image easier as the simpler picture is. The image communicates with our mind and as our mind reply to the image we identify the image with a different identity and meaning, often with our own identity. As children when we read a comic books or watch cartoon, we experienced the thrill of the action and the event in the story because we identify the simplify cartoon character as ourselves; thus the feeling of impersonate an image and imply it as our own become an attraction to all of us. This explain the comic’s thriving industry in the early ‘30s, the era of the Great Depression and World War II; comic superhero character which possessed great power and ultimate strength became popular with not only children but also young adults. People prefer to see a strong image whom they can relate and fantasized about. It is a form of interaction between readers and comic.
Although it is wrong to say that we can only relate to comic because we are being heavily influenced by the commercial industry in everyday basic. However, comic is the simplest form of a image; here, we can analyze the reaction between an image and the receiver easier. Image were designed to communicate with receivers either for recording history or just a simple form of entertaining; our mind interact with what we sees in the end human mind work its wonder and allow us to expand our imagination from a simplest form of picture.

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