Monday, November 29, 2010

Dangerous Designs

Propoganda is a form of design which served as a communication that is aimed at the attitute of the community toward some cause and position. It is a dangerous designs because propoganda influences the human's mind, create unrealistic figures and image in order for the creator to gain the viewer's support for their either right or wrong cause. This has been used for political warfare for centuries due to the manipulative power espeicially during WWI and WW II periods. Propoganda is generally appeal to emotion, not intellect; thus encourage the viewer to response to their impulsive emotion rather than rational reasonings. This method was used by the Nazi to recruit and provoke young people to become Nazi. This designs were create to crop an unrealistic image of power, conquer, fear, and destruction in viewer's mind; and since it can portrait pretty much any type of image, it has great influnces of one's opinion in religious, political and moral's view.
In modern day, propoganda is used for more neutral purpose such as public health recommandations, encouraging message to fight against crime...etc.

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