Monday, November 1, 2010

The Simpler The Better

I remember when I was younger, too young to know how to read, I would read my older sister's comic book without any help from the adult. Recently, Pixar entertainment introduced a new animated movie called "UP". It was my favorite animate movie of the year. It has a very inspiring, in-depth plot about life, love and reality. I was curious as the movie was labeled as PG-13, because I think a little boy or a little girl would not enjoy and understand the story line; but as I looked around movie theatre, their little eyes flickered and glued to the screen. I suddenly realize how powerful the image is to be able to tell a story.
The best way to communicate universally is not through word but image. Artists and Designers are the translators; they create and collaborate images to make people understand each other without verbal conversation.
We, human, use Visual Communication all the time without realizing it; from billboards, digital images to media, images help to express ideas\thoughts that word cannot. The commercial, film industry depend on this special brain interaction to image to create a entertain stimulation in the viewers.

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