Monday, November 15, 2010

Art & Design works as political tool!!!

Recently, I have done a research paper upon the Colosseum of Rome, a great, terrific large scale architectural structure which were built purely for political purpose. During my research, I found out that the Colosseum was not only the symbol for the strong empire, but it works as the good will and generosity  from the new emperor to the citizens of Rome. This was illustrated through the location of the Colosseum which situated above the ruin of the palace of the Nero emperor. This good will image gained the new emperor the trust of the citizens. The Colosseum also is the place for the emperor to meet with his subjects.

 We can see many other rulers used similar method. King of France, Louis the Fourteen used extravagant fashion designs and architectural to keep the economic of France running. By having an extravagant lifestyle, Kind Louis were able to provide jobs for large number of artisans and musicians. This way he can spread the currency to all the citizens, to avoid the ceased of the flow in currency with the traders and merchants. This way he can bring back the power to the noblelists and minimize the control of the country by the merchants.
Thus, designs are powerful and has great influence on the subjects which or whom created.

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