Monday, November 1, 2010


Objectified is a documentary directed by Gary Hustwit. The movie focused on complex relationship between manufactured objects the people who design them. It evaluates the creativity at work behind many objects that we take for granted every day.  From toothbrushes to tech gadgets, designer re-examined old products and re-invent these manufactured project to fit our daily basis. It’s about personal expression, identity, consumerism, and sustainability.
Through many footages in the movie, we discovered the creative processes of the some of the world’s influential product designers. These designers also follow the important steps of Design Process:
1.     Field Research
2.     Understand the problem
3.     Ideas
4.     Prototype
5.     Feedback
6.     Repeat the steps

And, we saw the example of how designer redesign the tree trimmer. As they discovered the problem of the handle which required more forced and less efficiency, designers came up with a curve handle which require less force put out. As the creative processes of manufactured objects influence  by the consumers’ needs, we can learn about who we are, and who we want to be from the objects with which we surrounds ourselves.

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